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Ramón Freixa Madrid celebrates 15 years of cooking happiness
Cooking with soul, emotion and art

Our chef with 2 Michelin stars and 3 Soles Repsol blows out the candles for his 15th anniversary, incorporating recipes from his most admired friends and chefs into an exquisite and ever-changing menu that will be available throughout the year at Ramón Freixa Madrid Restaurant.

Each month, from renowned chefs to experienced cooks, they will design a UNIQUE dish that you can find on the anniversary menu, creating an exciting journey through different regions, products and culinary styles, as well as some of his historical creations and others included in his latest book 'Cooking Happiness'.

From the emblematic truffles interpreted by Joan Roca to the succulent hare a la royal by his father, Josep María Freixa. Elena Arzak, Fina Puigdevall, Martina Puigvert, Carme Ruscalleda, Raül Balam, Toño Pérez, Javier Olleros and Ricard Camarena... Each dish is a unique and exciting story.

Ramón Freixa

"The whole philosophy of my cuisine, as in art and in life, revolves around the pursuit of happiness, and entering my restaurant means being willing to live a gastronomic experience of happiness".